Polymer Additives
Textile Auxiliaries
Home&personal Care Chemicals



Shanghai Deborn Co., Ltd. Geus kaayaan di aditif kimiawi saprak lokasina di Pudong Kacamatan Anyar Shanghai, 2013. Gawéna nyadiakeun bahan kimia jeung solusi pikeun tékstil, plastik, coatings, cét, éléktronika, ubar, imah jeung industri perawatan pribadi. .

Dina taun-taun katukang, Deborn parantos ningkat dina volume bisnis.Ayeuna, produk urang parantos diékspor ka langkung ti 30 nagara di lima buana di sakumna dunya.

  • We advocate the concept of greeness, healthy and sustainable development, to contribute to the ecological environment and to face the crisis of resources, energy and environment brought by the progressing social industry.We advocate the concept of greeness, healthy and sustainable development, to contribute to the ecological environment and to face the crisis of resources, energy and environment brought by the progressing social industry.

    Tanggung jawab sosial

    Kami ngajengkeun konsép greeness, pangwangunan séhat sareng sustainable, pikeun nyumbang kana lingkungan ékologis sareng nyanghareupan krisis sumberdaya, énergi sareng lingkungan anu dibawa ku industri sosial anu maju.

  • Committed to providing customers with high-quality products and efficient services, Deborn continues to innovate with domestic universities to develop more competitive products and serve for the clients and society better.Committed to providing customers with high-quality products and efficient services, Deborn continues to innovate with domestic universities to develop more competitive products and serve for the clients and society better.

    Urang Sunda

    Komitmen nyadiakeun konsumén produk kualitas luhur sarta jasa efisien, Deborn terus innovate kalawan universitas domestik pikeun ngembangkeun produk leuwih kompetitif sarta ngawula ka klien tur masarakat hadé.

  • We adhere to people-orientation and respect every employee, aiming to create a good working environment and development platform for our staff to grow up together with company.We adhere to people-orientation and respect every employee, aiming to create a good working environment and development platform for our staff to grow up together with company.


    Urang taat ka jalma-orientasi jeung hormat unggal pagawe, dimaksudkeun pikeun nyieun lingkungan gawé alus sarta platform pangwangunan pikeun staf urang tumuwuh nepi babarengan jeung pausahaan.

    UV absorber UV-234

    UV absorber UV-234

    Hal ieu kacida mujarab pikeun polimér biasana diolah dina suhu luhur kayaning polycarbonate, poliéster, polyacetal, polyamides, polyphenylene sulfide, polyphenylene oxide, copolymers aromatik, polyurethane thermoplastic sarta serat polyurethane, dimana leungitna UVA teu ditolerir kitu ogé pikeun polyvinylchloride, styrene. homo- sarta kopolimér.

    UV absorber UV-571

    UV absorber UV-571

    UV-571 mangrupakeun benzotriazole cair absorbers UV bisa dipaké pikeun coatings PUR termoplastik jeung busa sakabéh, PVC plasticized kaku, PVB, PMMA, PVDC, EVOH, Eva, curing suhu luhur poliéster teu jenuh ogé PA, pepet,, PUR jeung aditif spinning serat PP, lateks, lilin, elém, styrene homopolymer - sarta copolymers, elastomers na polyolefin.

    Optical Brightener OB

    Optical Brightener OB

    Hal ieu dipaké dina plastik thermoplastic.PVC, pe, PP, PS, ABS, San, SB, CA, PA, PMMA, résin akrilik., cet serat poliéster, palapis nu brightening tinta percetakan.

    Optical Brightener OB-1

    Optical Brightener OB-1

    1. Cocog jeung serat poliéster (PSF), serat nilon jeung whitening serat kimiawi.2. Lumaku pikeun PP, PVC, ABS, Pa, PS, PC, PBT, pepet palastik whitening brightening, kalawan pangaruh whitening alus teuing.

    Optical Brightener BAC

    Optical Brightener BAC

    Agén pencerah optik klorit-stabil kalayan warna bodas bluish-Violet pikeun akrilik sareng asétat sekundér dina sadaya tahap pamrosésan.

    Antioxidant 1010

    Antioksidan 1010

    Éta sacara lega lumaku pikeun poliétilén, polipropilén, résin ABS, résin PS, PVC, plastik rékayasa, karét sareng produk minyak bumi pikeun polimérisasi.résin pikeun whiten serat selulosa.

    Antioxidant 1098

    Antioksidan 1098

    Antioksidan 1098 mangrupikeun antioksidan anu saé pikeun serat poliamida, barang-barang cetakan sareng pilem.Ieu bisa ditambahkeun saméméh polimérisasi, ngajaga sipat warna polimér salila manufaktur, pengiriman barang atawa fiksasi termal.






Deborn dianggo pikeun nyayogikeun bahan kimia sareng solusi pikeun tékstil, plastik, palapis, cét, éléktronika, ubar, bumi sareng industri perawatan pribadi.

Dina taun-taun katukang, Deborn parantos ningkat dina volume bisnis.